Sunday, 12 January 2020

Part -1


How the employees training and development of HRM will influence the performance of an organization. Herewith some evidences, provide prose reviews and author’s defines to introduce how much importance of training and development in an organizational performance.


Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders, since a company is the sum total of what employees achieve individually, organizations should do everything in their power to ensure that employees perform at their work (Chopra, 2015). In the view of Somasundaram and Egan (2004), numerous organizational adages suggest that people are the key to any successful business operation. This emphasis is not empty as it is becoming increasingly clear that no human enterprise can succeed without properly skilled and knowledgeable human resource development professionals.

According to McCombs, (2009) continuing intrinsic motivation to learn is the result of actively generating and implementing a variety of metacognitive, cognitive, and effective process and skills. An understanding of these process, skills and their interrelationships forms a basis for the design of an effective motivational skills training program. It is further defined by Vasanthi and Kumar, (2018), Cited from (Becker, 1962; Pittam, 1987) ongoing employee development is critical to the short and long term success of every business profit or non-profit.


One is that is aids a focus on the immediate and subsequent effects which behavior has on the individual decision-maker and on the social structure of which is a part. The other one is that it provides basis for an orientation which encourages the identification of individual behavior and structural conditions that simultaneously advance the private and public welfare (Oberle , Stowers and Darby ,2014).Thinking on the development-and its applications in practice-can be properly understood only within its particular historical, political, and institutional contexts. This volume traces the history of thinking in various segments of development, maps the range of approaches to each, and set out options and possibilities for the future (Alder, 2014).


Alder, BC. (2014) International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects. [Online].Available at: <>. [Accessed on 14 September 2018].

Chopra, BC. (2015) Importance of training and development in an organization.[Online]. Available at: <>, [Accessed on 1 September 2018].

MCcombs, BL. (2009) Processes and skills underlying continuing intrinsic motivation to learn: Toward a definition of motivational skills training interventions. Educational Psychologist, 19 (4), pp.199-218.

Somasundaram and Egan (2004), Training and Development: An Examination of Definitions and Dependent Variables, Texas A & University, [Online], Available at <>, [Accessed on 22 Sep, 2018].

Vasanthi and Kumar,(2018), Effectiveness of Training & Development in Piramal Enterprises, International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR), [Online],Available at <>, [Accessed on 22nd Sep 2018].

Oberle. W.H., Stowers. K.R & Darby, JP, (2014) A Definition of Development. Journal of the Community Development Society, 5(1), pp. 61-71.


  1. Mohan, the contents of your blog highlights the importance of training and development towards organizational performance, however, Boadu et al., (2014) have stated that the hard work of employees will decide the achievement and continued existence of an organization
    Furthermore, effective training and development programmes are targeted on employees’ performance; however, the past researches have given evidence regarding the positive effect of training programmes on both employees and organizational performance (Elnaga and Imran, 2013).

  2. Hi Mohan, It is well described importance of T & D with contemporary comments made by several authors in your blog. According to Tsaur and Lin (2004) training design plays a major role in performance of employees as well as organization. Hence it is very important to plan training requirements according to the knowledge gaps which finally helps to achieve organizational vision.

  3. Mohan , You have clearly explained the importance of Training and Development to the Organization and also the employee.Thus , Having a strong and successful training strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Training also makes a company more attractive to potential new recruits who seek to improve their skills and the opportunities associated with those new skills.Training can be of any kind relevant to the work or responsibilities of the individual, and can be delivered by any appropriate method (McKinsey, 2006).

  4. Training and development is a continuing process in an organization to retain a strong position in its industry. and the blog describes a comprehensive reasoning for practice of the topic to any organization.

    further, in current context organizations have been moved to have concern of learning and development strategy which has even been vitally included in their human resource management strategy. where learning cultures' are been formed to make individuals adopt in to learning habits. this transformation ensures the training process more effective on the individual by learning attitudes which are cultivated within the culture.(Armstrong M, 2009,p.175-182)


Part -1 Importance of Training and Development Introduction How the employees training and development of HRM will influenc...